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Get Real Health

Providing science-based insights so that you can make smart, healthy choices.

This show is produced in partnership with Fueled By Science.


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About the show

Dr. Chana Davis (PhD, Stanford genetics) interviews leading experts who share practical, science-based advice and bust common myths and misconceptions. Show topics span food (nutrition, toxicology, weight loss), exercise, infectious diseases (microbiome, COVID-19), public health (vaccines), and mental wellbeing.

Latest episodes

What are GMOs?Original air date: 17 September 2020 Guest: Dr. Anastasia BodnarWhat are GMOs? Are they safe? Where and why are they in our food? Dr. Bodnar also sheds light on the origins of the anti-GMO movement and some of the broader issues surrou…

What are GMOs?

Original air date: 17 September 2020
Guest: Dr. Anastasia Bodnar

What are GMOs? Are they safe? Where and why are they in our food? Dr. Bodnar also sheds light on the origins of the anti-GMO movement and some of the broader issues surrounding the GMO debate, such as food security and supporting farmers.

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YouTube / Apple / Spotify / TuneIn / Stitcher
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COVID-19: Know your riskOriginal air date: 31 August 2020 Guest: Dr. Caroline BuckeeDr. Buckee shares the latest science on COVID-19 transmission, severity, and immunity. She explains some of the ways we can all make use of public health data, while…

COVID-19: Know your risk

Original air date: 31 August 2020
Guest: Dr. Caroline Buckee

Dr. Buckee shares the latest science on COVID-19 transmission, severity, and immunity. She explains some of the ways we can all make use of public health data, while recognizing its limitations. Lastly, Buckee discusses the key factors that will shape the next six months of this pandemic including vaccines, herd immunity, and… politics.

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YouTube / Apple / Spotify / TuneIn / Stitcher
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Exercise For Better HealthOriginal air date: 23 July 2020 Guest: Dr. Rachele PojednicRachele Pojednic, PhD dishes practical advice on how to reap the many benefits of exercise at any age, and busts common exercise myths along the way. She believes t…

Exercise For Better Health

Original air date: 23 July 2020
Guest: Dr. Rachele Pojednic

Rachele Pojednic, PhD dishes practical advice on how to reap the many benefits of exercise at any age, and busts common exercise myths along the way. She believes that exercise should be a gift, not a chore, and that both mindset and discovery are critical for making this happen.

Watch or listen:
YouTube / Apple / Spotify / TuneIn / Stitcher
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About the host


Chana Davis, PhD is the founder of FueledByScience.com, a resource for making science-based healthy choices. Dr. Davis completed her PhD in genetics at Stanford University and has worked in biomedical research and development, with a focus on cancer diagnostics and personalized medicine. Chana also enjoys sharing plant-based ideas from her family's kitchen.

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