Pacific Salmon Action Dialogue Series

Sponsored by Pacific Salmon Foundation and First Nations Fisheries Council of British Columbia


To be announced

Virtual (register later)

Join the First Nations Fisheries Council of B.C. and the Pacific Salmon Foundation for a Salmon Action Dialogues

Next event is to be announced. Please check back later!


The myriad of challenges impacting wild Pacific salmon are complex given the intricacy of the multiple ecosystems and salmon habitats within BC, and the varied interests held by First Nations, the federal and provincial governments, conservation non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders.

Conserving and recovering wild Pacific salmon is going to take all of us acting in a strategic, collaborative, and coordinated manner. The First Nations Fisheries Council of BC and the Pacific Salmon Foundation understand that there is no collaborative forum or organized framework to convene this diverse group of interests who are passionate about conserving Pacific salmon.

As a response to addressing this gap, the First Nations Fisheries Council of BC and the Pacific Salmon Foundation are establishing and facilitating a Pacific Salmon Action Dialogue Series. The goal of the Dialogues is to align and coordinate action for the conservation and recovery of wild Pacific Salmon. The Dialogues will focus on collaborative discussions that are not yet taking place in other forums and will also consider how to prioritize and coordinate all salmon discussions and actions together.


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Pacific Salmon Foundation contact info: 300-1682 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Email:
Contact info of First Nations Council of BC: 320-1200 West 73rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Email: